Software S3i innovates the concept and practices of Management Rotary

Understand how to optimize the gains of his contract conventional Vibration Analysis - Predictive Maintenance


In optimization to the conventional contracts of predictive maintenance by vibration analysis, Pred Engenharia has begun to offer to the market a practical, innovative product of high added value for the proactive management of rotary (pumps, fans, gearboxes, bearings and related others).

It consists of the CONTRACT OF MANAGEMENT ON ROTARY PERFORMANCE which aims to ensure the functionality and integrity of these assets. To achieve so, it makes use of an multiparameter analysis where all of the ways and mechanisms of faults are treated simultaneously and integrated to the main management system (ERP), automatically creating/administrating Notes/Orders to repair any anomalies that are detected.
It is worth mentioning that during the process of study, analysis, and consolidation of this new contract template we made a detailed study of times and motions, where we found that more than 50% of the required time in a conventional contract of vibration analysis are complementary times (Access releases, displacements, site preparation, etc...), from there, we optimazed this time, gathering more content, quality and reliability to the activities of inspection and measurement. This way, the Predictive ceased to be a technique and became a management METHOD.
Our team of P&D on the inspection segment invites you to get to know the innovative the CONTRACT OF MANAGEMENT ON ROTARY PERFORMANCE which, with certainty, will gather much more value to your current investment with predictive maintenance.
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